Join Casandra Alisa Rocke
with 1.5% cash reward
or 7 free fractional shares

Offer Terms & Conditions apply.

Options trading is risky and not appropriate for everyone.
Read the Options Disclosure Document before trading.
New customer incentives*
You can choose and get one of the rewards
1.5% of assets transferred¹
Transfer to moomoo
for the first time
"Magnificent 7" stocks bundles²
offer ends on 5/28/2024
*The rewards are mutually exclusive. Offer terms and conditions apply. View Terms & Conditions for more details. 1. Transfer Bonus: Maximum possible Cash Rewards for promo is $300 (1.5% on a max $20,000 transferred to Moomoo via ACAT) 2. Deposit bonus: Each of the 7 fractional shares were initially worth $5, totaling $35, based on the closing price on 03/14/2024. The actual value received will vary based on market conditions.
A Smarter Option
More than $0 commission and $0 contract fee
No commission¹ on options trading, stocks and ETFs, and no options contract fee for equity options. Enjoy 6.8% low margin rates².
Other fees may apply.
Unlock free real-time Level 2 quotes and discover options analysis tools
Gain free real-time Level 2 quotes³ for funded accounts. Unlock unusual options activities, most active 0 Days to Expiration (0DTE) options, and more for free.
100+ technical analysis and drawing tools
Simplify stock navigation with our analysis tools. Utilize 63+ technical indicators and 38+ drawing tools to help identify trends and patterns.
Manage risks with greater efficiency
Check the price calculator and theoretical profit/loss calculator before diving into trades, and explore the different advanced orders and strategies to give yourself more flexibility.
Earn 5.1% APY* on uninvested cash
No minimum balance required to start or fees charged to you. FDIC-insured up to $1M at partner banks⁴.
Rate as of 11/03/23 and subject to change.
24/7 professional support
Talk to our US-based, licensed specialists during trading days⁵, or online support 24/7.